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Thursday, 28 March 2013

Art work made out of fabric

For a while now I have been debating on what to put on the wall in the bathroom just above the bathtub.  It's a wall that just looks very bare.  The artwork that I created looks great, I am just not convinced that I like it in the bathroom. I don't feel that the colour really goes together with the rest of the colour in the bathroom.  Steve likes it and it will stay there for now. 

There are a lot of different ways that you could create this artwork, but this is the way that I made it and then I will give you my 2 cents (not really give you money) about what I thought of the way that I constructed it and what I would do different. 

Friday, 22 March 2013

Garbage container that works

I have had a Glad roommate garbage container for a while now under by kitchen sink cupboard. We use plastic shopping bags inside the container, but have found that they always seem to fall inside, as the bags are short compared to the container. 

Since our town has started to collect food waste in the green bins, we have reduced our garbage considerably. With the number of bags that we seem to accumulate, since we don't always remember to bring the reusable shopping bags, we use them for garbage. 

So this is what the container looked like when we first bought it. 

Thursday, 28 February 2013

Vanity makeover instructions

So as promised in my previous post, I will now provide you with the instructions on how I managed to complete this project.  It is quite simple actually.   For starters you need to have a vision of what you want your vanity to look like.  I went with the shaker style door, as this was the easiest to complete.  If you are planning to include a more detailed trim, it will be more difficult. 

Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Disney DVD and Blu-ray movie replacement

I know you are wondering, what does this post have anything to do with DIY. Well nothing.  But I had to share.  I myself have not tried it, but I certainly will.

In my many hrs spent on Pinterest I came upon this one Pin that said that Disney would replace any accidentally damaged or broken DVD's or Blu-rays. There is a nominal charge of $6.95 per DVD and $8.95 per Blu-ray.  This is way cheaper than paying full price for another movie.  Especially if your kids are still little and watch the same movie over and over and over. 

So here is the link Disc Replacement.  You need to fill in a form, return the damaged DVD or Blu-ray and send a cheque.  This is available for both USA and CANADA!!!!!!!

Limit:  One replacement per title per calendar year.  They will only replace discs manufactured or released by WDSHE (Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment).

I will update the post once I have sent my disc in to confirm that it does work.

Disney does Love their customers and this is another way that they prove it. 

Monday, 25 February 2013

Bathroom Vanity

I have been wanting to upgrade the bathroom off of our rec room for quite some time now.  You see the rest of the house has seen some changes, some more drastic then others.  Our upstairs bathroom saw the biggest transformation I think and it makes the bathroom downstairs look so outdated.

The shower has been leaking for some time.  Steve I think has gotten tired of changing the handles and I think this time the shower itself is leaking and the only way to fix it, is to replace the tap for the shower.