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Thursday, 28 March 2013

Art work made out of fabric

For a while now I have been debating on what to put on the wall in the bathroom just above the bathtub.  It's a wall that just looks very bare.  The artwork that I created looks great, I am just not convinced that I like it in the bathroom. I don't feel that the colour really goes together with the rest of the colour in the bathroom.  Steve likes it and it will stay there for now. 

There are a lot of different ways that you could create this artwork, but this is the way that I made it and then I will give you my 2 cents (not really give you money) about what I thought of the way that I constructed it and what I would do different. 

I had an inspiration from a chair that I saw on a magazine somewhere. Unfortunately I did not keep the magazine, but the chair was upholstered in a white fabric that had black writing on it in different sizes and different angles. I wish I had a picture to show you.  So I set out to Fabricland to try and find a material that was similar to that one.  There wasn't much, but I did find this material which Steve agreed on.
The theme of this material is Paris.  There is the Eiffel Tower, the Arch the Triumph and other scenes.  The colour is hard to tell in this picture, but the material is a like a burlap and it's a dark beige colour.

So the next step was figuring out how to make it into a piece of artwork. I went to HomeDepot and searched through their foam insulation boards.  I bought the cheapest that I could find and the only one that was WHITE.  Most foam insulation is either green or pink.  I did not want the colour to possibly be seen through the material. 

The material is:

PlastiSpan HandiPacs 48Inch X 14.5Inch X 1.5Inch

Cost is $16.68 and I believe that there were 6 sheets in the one package. 

Once you figure out what size you want your final project to be, you can determine which material size you will need.  I used two of these sheets in my project and had to cut them down on the one side as it would have been too wide for what I wanted. 

Now the issue was how was I going to get the two pieces to stay together and then how was I going to hang the piece up on the wall? If you saw my post on how I upgraded the doors to the bathroom vanity, I ended up using the left over pieces I used to make the trim ( 1/4" x 2 1/2" x 4' of poplar). I used the same glue and adhered them to the Styrofoam   This also allowed me to then staple the material to the wood.  One problem solved. 
I then added 4 Velcro  Command strips which allowed me to hang it on the bathroom wall without having to nail anything. If I didn't like it, I could easily remove it without having to repair the wall. The piece is relatively light, so the Command strips work great.  Second problem solved.
Here is a picture of the final project before it was hung in the bathroom.  Not bad for my first attempt.  Next time I think I would rather either use a thin sheet of plywood, or perhaps attempt to make a rectangular frame (much like the ones that you see made for the canvases) to make it easier to staple the piece on. 

Here you can see the artwork hung on the bathroom wall.  I am still not sold on it completely.  It's just that I find that the beige of the material does not really go with the grey, white and black materials used in the bathroom.  

Feel free to give me your opinion if you think it works or not.
The possibilities are endless and only limited to the material that you like.   

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