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Tuesday, 15 January 2013

Bathroom Shelving

If you are reading this for the second time.  My apologies.  I accidentally deleted the post while playing around with blogger.... So frustrating.  So here I will try again.  I think this time I will make it short and sweet.

Our bathroom had a little alcove which measured approx 12" x 12".  Not very big for anything, but storage.  So I decided that I would add shelving to the space for storage.  We all need storage, especially in the bathroom.
Here you can see the shelves are all completed and the bathroom toiletries have been placed on the shelves. I did previously post a before picture, but it was just the empty cavity.

We thought this project would be easy to do, but not the case as the walls were not straight.  My hubby ended up having to cut each shelf separately and made multiple trips to the saw to cut the pieces NOT straight so that they would fit.  We used pine and painted it the same colour as the walls.  

I would recommend priming the shelves first. I used Zinsser 1,2,3 and it works great, applied with a foam roller. I then applied 2 coats of paint with the foam roller. Make sure that you wait the allotted time on the can for drying between coats.  I also left the shelves to cure for about a week, to make sure that they were completely dry.  If you don't, when you place something on the shelf and then go to remove it a few days later, it will be stuck to the paint and the paint will come off with the item. 

We also used pine strips as supports for the shelves.  These were screwed into the wall with the assistance of screw anchors as we knew we would not be going into a stud and wanted to make sure that the shelves had enough support. 

The brackets were placed on the sides and the back, with the back being placed first.  We angled the front ones so that they would be a bit less bulky looking and then we added a piece of small trim on the front of the shelves to give it a more polished look. 

I only placed by bigger items and items in containers so to keep it from looking messy. We have a fair size vanity with 4 drawers where I keep all the small things that look messy.

You can basically place shelves like this anywhere in your home where you have a cubby that is too small for anything else.  We also opted not to put a door or curtain as the area is so small, but if you don't want to see all the items, I would recommend a curtain for such a small space. 

So here you have it.  A small addition to a bathroom with a significant amount of storage space.  You can also display your towels if you wish.  I may dedicate one shelf for towels for when guests come and need to shower.  Ours  we each keep in our rooms. 

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